
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Morgan County Sheriff's Race: Which is lesser of two evils?

After reading this, quite frankly I don't like either candidate. Both are exploiting sex offenders to garner votes.

Morgan County sheriff’s race

The sheriff is the top law enforcement officer in Morgan County. Duties of the office include providing protection through deputy patrols throughout the county; responding to riotous situations and making decisions to control violence; preparing and managing a $10 million budget for the Sheriff’s Office and county jail; and supervision of 200 employees, including deputies and courthouse security officers.
The term is four years, and the pay is $66,410 per year.
Incumbent Sheriff Greg Bartlett and Ana Franklin are vying for the Republican nomination in Tuesday’s primary runoff election.
The Daily gave the candidates an opportunity to address voters and this is what they said:
Greg Bartlett’s statement
“If you or a family member ever becomes a victim of crime, you want the leader of the Sheriff’s Office to have a background in law enforcement that you can trust. I have 28 years of law enforcement experience and 26 as a supervisor in every division. My opponent has no law enforcement supervision experience and only four years of service as a deputy. I have personally investigated and supervised every major type of crime in this county, and I am the only candidate able to lead and train my staff in a manner to make you proud. Before I was elected, the Sheriff’s Office was ranked last in the state on making drug arrests. Now, we are ranked first with over 1,500 drug and meth lab busts. Through my leadership we have lowered the crime rate, solved all 12 homicides and tracked all sex offenders. I have obtained over $2.7 million in funding through drug forfeitures and grants in order to train and equip our deputies without any cost to the taxpayers. Local police chiefs, my former opponent Noel Mayfield, my deputies and staff have endorsed me publicly.
I ask you to look at my qualifications and vote July 13 for experience that you can count on in Morgan County.”
Ana Franklin’s statement
“I believe the sheriff is responsible for the safety of the citizens, but also has a duty to operate the office with credibility, professionalism and respect. My career has been about service to the community and to the victims I am sworn to protect, from my first meth bust to serving as the only drug endangered child officer to helping obtain the longest sentence in Morgan County history, 218 years for a child molester. I have worked in all areas of investigations, including undercover narcotics and homicide. No candidate has a tougher record on crime than I do or is more dedicated to upholding the law. This is why the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed me as their choice for sheriff. I will restore the quality of service Morgan County deserves by re-opening satellite offices, providing law enforcement in our schools and training additional narcotics officers. I will be fair, accessible and accountable to you and use your tax dollars in the manner they are meant to be spent. I believe it is not only the number of years one wears a badge, but the character behind it that determines the ability to lead.
Honor me with your vote, and I’ll work every day to earn it.”
Greg Bartlett
Age: 48.
Residence: Hartselle.
Law enforcement experience: 28 years, includes Hartselle Police Department, patrolman to supervisor of investigations; and head of the Morgan County district attorney’s worthless check unit. Sheriff since 2002.
Wife: Chastity Bartlett.

Ana Franklin
Age: 45.
Residence: Priceville.
Law enforcement experience: Four years as an investigator with the sheriff’s department, including the drug task force and child sex crimes; and volunteer work with other agencies.

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