
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shiloni Ministries on ARC Talk Radio show! 09/01/2010

On Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2010, at 7pm, American's Reality Check radio interviewed Shiloni Transformation Ministry, a faith based initiative and halfway house located in Birmingham. Shiloni was negatively impacted by the Jefferson County anti-clustering law. Click on the link below to find the show. You can listen from the Talkshoe website or download the podcast. This ministry needs your support and a repeal of these laws. Ohio makes exceptions for certain halfway houses from the residency laws, Alabama should do the same.

More on American's Reality Check (ARC Radio):

1 comment:

  1. I was looking at the Constitution, and there is a "separation of church and state"

    If this is true, and I believe it to be so simply because I read it myself, then how the hell can the state tell the church what to do?

    Is this what you call "separation"?

    Oh maybe it is because the churches are not REAL churches. Does a REAL church submit it's congregation under the jurisdiction of the state or federal government via 501 3c?

    Does the church know the difference between law and Law? Legal and Lawful? Why did Jesus study the scriptures (God's Law)and then study the (code of law)? Do any of you pastors out there really know what's been happening?

    OMG you mean there are no true churches here anymore?

    Who the hell gives a MOB the right to sanction a group of people? Pure numbers?

    Who the hell gives you a right to usurp a law over the Divine creator? I bet you just use the excuse "I'm just doing my JOB".

    bet that will open the gates for ya...


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